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Posted over 14 years ago

Facebook Pages Provide Even More Google Juice

Facebook pages are providing even more Google juice for their owners.  Google announced recently that the status updates on all public Facebook pages will be indexed in their real-time search.  What does this mean for Facebook users?  It means that the largest social network on the internet (Facebook) will have the opportunity to enjoy first page placement from their status updates.  Things to be indexed from Facebook pages include links, photos and videos as well as anything else included in a status update.  While Facebook isn't the driving force behind Google's search results, it is sure to head to the top of the class since it outpaces other social networks that Google currently indexes (including Twitter and MySpace) in users.

Since Google is now taking notice of Facebook pages, it is more important than ever before to set up a business page to promote yourself and your brand.  For more information about Facebook pages, please visit the Facebook Pages help page.  If you need help setting up a Facebook page, please contact me and I'll be happy to lend a hand.  It's great news that Facebook pages provide even more Google juice than ever before.  Make sure you get yours taken care of today.

Comments (2)

  1. Thank you for responding, Larry. Enjoy your day!

  2. Great info Pamela, I update my page several times a day now. Larry