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Posted over 14 years ago

How To Increase Your Traffic from Twitter

By now, I'm sure you've heard all about Twitter.  Even Oprah has hopped on the Twitter bandwagon and tweets regularly.  Thousands upon thousands of businesses have found major benefits in Twitter as well.  Here are a few simple and easy ways to increase your traffic from Twitter:

1. Include a link to your Twitter account on your blogs, website or any other internet materials you use.  There are several online resources that provide cute, free Twitter buttons to use for this.

2. Don't use up ALL 140 characters in a tweet.  You need to leave a few spaces for people to retweet your tweet if they find it retweetable.  A good rule of thumb is to leave enough additional space to accommodate your username plus 5 spaces.  Otherwise, someone who retweets your tweet will have to modify your original tweet to make it fit.

3. Make sure your Twitter presence is visible throughout your website.  Don't just set it in one place and forget it.  Adding it to your nav bar will make it eye-catching no matter what page a web visitor is on.

4. Add your Twitter username and web address to all marketing materials: business cards, signatures on emails and blogs, etc.

5. Use your own content for Tweets.  Simply retweeting will not get people to notice you.  You have something to say, so say it.

6. Tweet, tweet and tweet some more.  Actively engage with others on Twitter.  Just setting up a Twitter account is not enough.  You need to tweet with others to get a nice network going.

The bottom line is that you just can't pass up an opportunity to promote yourself.  And Twitter is a great way to do that.  By implementing these simple tips, you should see an increase in your traffic from Twitter in no time. 
