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Posted about 15 years ago

Google is Profiling - Add Your Name Today

Google has added a new element to its bag of tricks: profiling. When you search for a particular person by name, the Google search engine will now display up to four profiles at the bottom of the search results page. At this time, this features only appears in the US.

How Google selects profile displayed on the search results page are not quite clear as of yet. However, you will never show up unless you have created a Google public profile page. Like most social networking profiles, entering the information is fairly quick and simple. The profile page, as you can see in the screenshot above, will allow you to upload a photo. Be sure, to complete the My Superpower section: be creative or serious, it's all up to you. My superpower is, I grant wishes to realtors. You can also do a bit of bragging about the great service you provide in the A Little Personality section. Google's public profile page allows you to create links. You can link to your website, your blog or to other social network profiles. If you already have a Google account, such as Blogspot, a suggested link will appear. If you do not want the link to be publically displayed, you can click the checkbox next to it to remove the link from your profile. You can control the order in which the links are displayed. You can also choose the display name for each link. The last option on the page is a customizable URL (restrictions apply). This URL may also appear in other search result links.

The profile page has three tabbed sections:

  • About Me: your profile information page
  • Photos: upload photos from your web-based photo sharing service
  • Contact Me: your contact information, which is not publically displayed. However, you can create contact groups which are allowed to access this information.

Real estate is Location, Location, Location. The Internet is Exposure, Exposure, Exposure. Here is another way to get your name out and about. I know that the point of joining social networks is to build relationships and to particpate. Nevertheless, I would like to suggest that you complete a profile page on as many networks as possible, even if you don't plan to use it on a regular basis. The more times your profile is on the net, the more exposure you get.

Google says: To give you greater control over what people find when they search for your name, we've begun to show Google profile results at the bottom of US name-query search pages. These results offer abbreviated information from user-created Google profiles and a link to the full profiles. We've also added links so it's easy to search for the same name on MySpace, Facebook, Classmates and LinkedIn.

Comments (4)

  1. I guess Google is officially entering the race for Social Network Dominance as well. Facebook - watch your back.

  2. Thank you for the heads up!

  3. We keep up so you don't have to.

  4. That's cool and good to know. Thanks for being on top of this stuff and sharing. The internet is changing so fast I can't keep up and I started out behind.