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Posted about 15 years ago

Downsize Images in a New York Minute

I am always looking for simple and easy tools that I can pass along, especially when they are free.  Last week, I introduced you to PageOnce, the free iPhone personal assistant for managing your online accounts and social networks.  Today, I would like to introduce you to another free tool.
Do you ever get frustrated when trying to downsize a photo?  Cropping, chopping, clicking and dragging can be big time wasters.  Changing pixels can cause unintended distortions.  Cropping your photo to make a suitable avatar for a social network or blog can also be a frustrating chore.  Have you ever had the unhappy experience of an avatar editor failing or your image will not downsize properly and you must resort to cropping.  The result can be less than desirable.  Now, you are frustrated.  You have wasted several minutes just trying to complete a very simple task.
I don't know about you, but I do not have time to waste.  I like it quick and easy.  I like using tools that work the first time.  So, I would like to share with you a tool that can downsize an image in a New York minute.  For newbies, this tool is a gift from the gods.  There is no learning curve and it is done in 5 easy steps.  Actually, if you choose the defaults, it is done in just 2 steps!  This fabulous little tool is appropriately named ShrinkPictures.
Using the tool is quick and easy.  Simply go to the website  Now, scroll down to resize images.
Step 1: Browse your photo album and click on your image.
Step 2: Select the size you desire either in pixels or percentile (I used the default - 360 pixels; so I was able to skip this step)
Step 3: Skip (unless you want the image to appear in Grayscale or Sepia)
Step 4: Select image quality (I used the default, "better", so I was able to skip this step as well)
Step 5: Click the Resize Image button - viola there it is!
If you want to keep the downsized image for future use, just place your mouse on the image, right click and save.

I downsized the photo below and saved it to my computer, all in less than a New York Minute!


Original Image = 7KB


Downsized Image = 4KB
Mikey likes it!  I love it!

Comments (3)

  1. No problem, Pamela.

  2. WOW! That's awesome! I'm always interested in new (especially free) tools to use in my virtual assistance business. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Great tool for shrinking images. Another quality one is ResizR -