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Posted about 11 years ago

"FACT or OPINION" Which Is The Best Information To Give a Fellow Investor

Hi Everyone!!

First I want to publicly tell Ali Boone that I didn't intend or mean to disrespect her in a recent post and I apologize if it seemed that way.

I spent the weekend (16 hoours) reading posts here on BP while I was doing support at a shop for my job.

Alot of people on here give advice about things that they really don't know about and a post I read yesterday afternoon was about the 100th one that suggested Michigan and Detroit may not be a good place to invest. Granted that this was the nicest way I have read someone post about not investing here but it still was the straw that broke the camels back.

What I would like to discuss is the help factor we give each other here on BP. We all have our own opinions and experiences, facts and falacies. Constantly I am told that I won't make money in Michigan doing Real Estate. Well guess what, I have been for two years and people STILL don't believe it. But that's ok.

People tell me that there is no way I'm getting the ROI I claim. But that's ok too because guess what, I am getting it and that's all that matters!

So this brings a topic to mind that I want to share with everyone on here and to help everyone understand how we can help a new investor or any fellow investor without clouding their minds with falacies and opinions.

All of us have different experiences and successes in Real Estate and in Life as well. We all have different techniques of how we invest in Real Estate. There are so many factors involved in Real Estate that it is impossible for One single Investor to use the same exact techiniques in every single market. Each market needs your tweaking to find out what works best for YOU and YOUR market. The proof of this is there when you talk with and watch other investors around you or in your network.

I've been posting and reading quite a lot here on BP. The biggest problem I see in regards to information is that many people feel that their system is the best and there is no other way to do it or at least that's the impression I get from the posts.

Here's the thing. EVERYTHING can be improved upon. Investing, Marketing, Rehab process, Tenant Screening and so on. Think about it.. if nothing was ever improved upon then we wouldn't have the iPhone, Android, Computers and so forth. I created a Tenant Screening process that works for me and accomplished my goal of streamlining and eliminating tire kickers and no shows. But maybe my process won't work in your market. So when I blogged about it I commented that MAYBE this can help you as well.

So the best way we can help a new investor or any fellow investor for that matter is to only tell them what we know about our markets we PERSONALLY invest in. What is good and what is bad in OUR market. I have no clue what any market needs or takes to invest in outside of SE Michigan and because of that I can in no way give any advice and should NOT give opinions on them. If we all kept this in mind when posting then it will be better help for the new investor and they can make their own decision on where is good or not good for them to invest and how they want to try approaching it.

"Bad News Travels Fast" is an understatement. But people will listen to bad news and believe it before they will ever listen to good news. People REMEMBER the bad news, bad comments, or negative feedback much more than they ever remember the good and they continue to pass that bad information around.

In conclusion, when discussing markets to invest in, don't give opinions on a market you know nothing about. Especially all the people who THINK they know Detroit but have never stepped foot in Detroit or Michigan. Leave your "opinions" at the door when "checking-in" on discussing market areas and only give the FACTS of where you know is good and what YOU do that works for YOU and YOUR market.

I'm sure there will be some people who take offense to this post but this is the truth no matter how you look at it.

Thank you for reading and I will see you on the next one...

Comments (1)

  1. Good post. I have probably been guilty of this as well. I personally think people know their local area first and you'll probably do better than anything out of area, because you'll know the neighborhoods, the property managers, contractors and so forth. This goes for Detroit or NYC or wherever. To me from the outside, it seems as if Detroit itself may have bottomed and the bankruptcy will be a new start for the city. Upswings usually start when the headlines are at their most negative. BTW, I saw that thread and didn't think you were disrespectful at all as you even said "no disrespect meant".