My Out-of-State Search: Step 6a - To Turnkey or not to Turnkey???
Friday, January 03
Now that I’ve settled on a market (Charlotte), the next step is to start building a team. But before you build the team, you should know what you want the team to look like. In theory, turnkey providers are a godsend to out-of-state investors, but the decision of whether to use a turnkey provid...
My Out-of-State Search: 5b - Charlotte
Friday, January 03
Charlotte is a bit of a boring market. It rarely makes national media for anything. It is not really known for much and doesn’t have much of a reputation at all. The real estate market doesn’t make “hot” lists or the buy-now lists, or anything like that. So, when I started my search, Charlo...
My Out-of-State Search: Step 5a: Due Diligence on Atlanta
Friday, October 04
I should confess that last year when I first started my search, Atlanta was the market that jumped out as being a good option. So, I’ve been tracking Atlanta for some time – and have done more research into Atlanta than any other finalist. Here’s what I’ve done to learn about Atlanta: ...
My Out-of-State Search, Step 4b: The Worst of the Best Markets
Friday, September 06
In the previous post, we narrowed down the 75 largest markets in the US to the 5 that most closely match my investment criteria. Or, more accurately, we eliminated the 70 markets that did not fit our investment criteria. As we move forward in the process, we will shift from removing markets...
My Out-of-State Search: Step 4 - What Market (pt 1)
Tuesday, August 20
"Where should I invest?" This is easily the most commonly asked question from out-of-state investors, but there are a few things I want to highlight about the question: No one can answer this question for you; the answer is unique to the investor, situation and gameplan. Risk, duration, ...
My Out-of-State Search: Sidebar - Buying Site-Unseen
Friday, August 02
I once had a financial adviser. He was a nice, professional and charismatic guy. But after meeting him, and then hiring him, we fired him shortly thereafter. For all of his likability and underlying knowledge about finances, he failed to understand one key principle: the appropriateness of all ...