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Posted about 15 years ago

Unintended Resposes....

Yesterday I sent out a blast to try and kick some peoples behinds... I hope that worked...

One thing about Internet contact such as this is that I never will know if I helped you... I just want people to get off their assets and do something EVERYDAY to grow your business. It may be a small thing, such as ordering a list, or ordering envelopes on ebay. But you have to do something.

Anyway... I digressed... sorry.

In my past blast, I mentioned some of the issues Lisa and I had to work through last year.  Several of you expressed your thoughts with compassion and for that we say thank you. Several folks said that they never were aware of what we were working through. That was kinda the point. In working with my sellers, buyers and students, we moved forward through the death of Josh,and Lisa dads hospitalization. We have to move forward and not allow those issues to hinder you.

Never think it was easy, or we were home much less in bed by 11 pm. Just the opposite is true. Up at 4-5 and home by 12 or maybe even 2.

You choose what you choose the hours and the amount of time you commit to your business. You choose whether your business is a success or a failure. If your business closes it doors, be it Ford or GM or a printer or even your real estate business... the business didn't fail.... The person in charge failed to run it profitably.

Now I am off to a monthly meeting with my local group of business folks on marketing that follow Dan Kennedy (

Go Get A FREE House

Tony Severino
