The power of Craigslist! The RESULTS Section is Born
Friday, June 28, 2013 QUOTE:
-Website: Met with Nate Poynter about the website design. We figured out the structure and concept.
-Craigslist: I posted an Ad in the 'Hiring' section a day or so ago which lasted for about 6hrs and was then removed ha Can you believe I just got a phonecall about the position to bird dog in Indianapolis?! /up top
AFTERTHOUGHTS: So as we can see not much seems to have been filled... I unfortunately forgot my headphones at home so I couldn't listen to anything at work.
I could have read a little out of one of my books I'm sure, but that didn't happen either.
What DID happen is I realized a possible route to find deals throughout Indy. I want to hire more Bird Dogs! A friggin' flock of them!
As I explained to 'Damon' what I would require from him when he found a house that seemed like a good lead, I realized, "This has GOT to be simplified."
I came up with a solution which I believe could be SUPER effective in gorilla prospecting. All I need is a couple of deals so I can justify funding the design of such solution.
I'm really excited about this strategy.
On another note... Does anybody else talk REI to their spouse all the time? I feel like I don't have many people to talk to about it... It's helpful speaking out my thoughts and plan.
PS I'll be looking into a good bird dog book. Feel free to post suggestions below!