Two more bandit leads! Got my 'Property Packet' Template together!
Monday, July 29, 2013 GOALS:
-Order 50-100 Signs by 7/29:
-Finish 13006 Property Info Packet 7/31: COMPLETED
-Finish Custom Investor Map by 5/31:
-Get Business Cards Done by 6/2:
-Start PowerPoint for House Presentation by 6/2:
-Spotify: Think and Grow Rich Chapter 3
-Spotify: Think and Grow Rich Chapter 4
-Networking: Spoke with two wholesalers
-Business: Revised my 'Seller Screening' script and delivered it along with my phone to my Mom to answer moving forward
-Bandit Leads: 2
-JULY Bandit: 6
Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich Complete https://www.dropbox.com/s/819ob1s7n1xjp15/13006-P1%20718%20Gladstone%20Packet.pdf
I've read through the first 7 chapters of Think and Grow Rich, but have decided to re-listen to it all in audio book sessions so I can actually finish it. Such a good book.
It is a must read for anybody who wants to be successful and is wondering how to get started.
I got two leads today! One of which called while I was on the phone with the other! Ha Talk about overwhelming.
One of the leads has potential and is located in Anderson, Indiana. I'm meeting with the owner tomorrow (Wednesday) to check out the house.
Oh and check out my 'Property Packet' in the LINKS section above and let me know what you think or what you would add/change!
Thanks so much.
Comments (2)
Kristi L. 13006 is the REFerence number I use and assign each property I work on. You'll find the packet in my LINKS above. I use the REF # in any emails I send and files I create to track each project. Check out this link to see what I'm talking about: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuSeVvpM7tGIdGlaUnRzMmhrMm9EU3ZwTm5YWUFwQnc&usp=sharing I also keep a similar sheet for my financials. The numbers are slightly different. For my financials I use 136001 (June) 137001 (July) 138001 (August) and so on for each expense and tracking mileage. The purpose of the REF #s is to allow me to create project folders and track receipts digitally on my computer. It's much easier to search and organize files and emails under a unique REF number on your computer than it is to remember file names. I created this strategy at my full-time job to track 70-100 proposals/project files for clients who purchase from us on a national level. Hope that explains it! Thanks so much Kristi for taking the time to read my blog and post a question! It's greatly appreciated.
Taylor Jennings, over 11 years ago
Hi Taylor, What is the: 13006 Property Info Packet? Kristi
Kristi L., over 11 years ago