First House Visit! Feelin' like an Entrepreneur today!
Sunday, July 28, 2013 GOALS:
-Order 50-100 Signs by 7/29:
-Finish 13006 Property Info Packet 7/31:
-Finish Custom Investor Map by 5/31:
-Get Business Cards Done by 6/2:
-Start PowerPoint for House Presentation by 6/2:
-13006: Traveled to Gladstone Ave house and took pictures + video
-Business: Put my expenses over the last month into my expense sheet
-Business: Created outline for House Purchasing presentation
-Business: Jena made the new bandit sign design!
-Business: Created YouTube page
-Business: Created REFERENCE list for properties for organizing information
-Business: Modified seller screening questionaire
-Drive for Dollars: Drove 1/2mi around the Gladstone property recording REA signs, we buy houses, and vacant properties
13006 Videos of Gladstone Property
Wow today was productive! We got to travel out to first house and we enjoyed it thoroughly.
Jena was quite a bit surprised by the interior of the house ha (To say the least!) I didn't pay attention to this before we left our place, but a good way to describe what she expected can be explained in one word... Flip-flops.
She has decided to wear tennis shoes from now on =)
The family was very nice and the owner was very pleasant to speak with. I'm glad Jena was there to listen to him the whole time! ha
I'm curious to see what BiggerPockets thinks the repairs will be on this house... I could use some help!
Comments (2)
The most remarkable thing Dawn was the man living there told us a story about the neighbors being evicted and spoke about how dirty they were.
Taylor Jennings, over 11 years ago
It can be surprising what some people will live in.
Dawn Anastasi, over 11 years ago