Doc said I had a pre-cancer to Melanoma Bought (50) Bandit Signs TOTAL = $68.75
Friday, July 05, 2013 QUOTE:
-"Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim." George Santayana
-"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein
-"You often need to make it up in your mind before you can make it happen in your life." David Allen
-"I always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific." Lily Tomlin
-"If the project is still on your mind, there's more planning to do." David Allen
-Getting Things Done: Pages 59-100
-Website: Setup Google analytics
-Logo: Jena worked on logo design(s) for several hours today. She won't let me see it yet...
-Marketing: Bought (50) Yellow Bandit Signs from SignWarehouse. I found the site through a post in BiggerPockets
http://signwarehouse.com/ http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity/dp/0142000280/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1373108468&sr=1-1&keywords=getting+things+done
I decided to restructure my marketing plan. Instead of going straight into probates, I'm going to move forward with bandit signs.
My thought is that I will be using less time, money, and have a higher 'view rate' using the bandit signs in comparison with probates. If you read one of my previous blog posts then you will understand we are in somewhat of a financial bind...
Not sure if I mentioned this, but we loaned my younger brother n law about $6k for a truck... When I was his age I just wanted to be given the opportunity to prove myself since I hadn't done much of that in school and had no credit at the time. He's 18. (We have a lien! ha Regardless of proving yourself I'll make sure I have a backup plan in case you get hit by the excuse train)
On another note, I had a questionable looking mole on my right temple removed about a week ago. Come to find out it was a pre-cancer to melanoma. Yikes. Good thing I didn't like looking at it and had it removed quickly!
Nothing like the possibility of cancer to make you feel as frail as a human should. I know there is a plan for my life and I'm thankful to be reminded that the road to the end can have many paths... Some of which will be troublesome, but necessary to develop character through perseverance.
/toast Here's to life's troubles! I'm glad to know where I will eventually be and encouraged to know, no matter how, I'll get there.