100% of rents in for August
YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!! 100% of rents in for August. It only took to the 15th. Of course last month it took til August 1st so progress is being made.
Mr. D continues to be an ongoing source of entertainment. We had agreed I would swing by and pick up his rent at 11:00. He called and asked if I could come at noon instead. No problem, I'm going to be working there most of the day, noon is fine. I head for his place at 11:58. At 12:01 he calls - "are you still coming?" He's 14 days late with his rent, I'm one minute late and he's CALLING?!? I tell him it's 12:01 and I'll see him at 12:03.
At least I got the rent. And his assurances that he's going to pay on time, it's the right thing to do. We'll see.
Comments (4)
Isn't it fun when the month is only half over and your work is all done? You might get the occasional call, but so what? Others have to trade hours for dollars all month long. This is the only businees I know of where you make more money when you're slow.
Rob K., over 11 years ago
We're clicking our heels in Sacramento! Way to go Deborah!
Al Williamson, over 11 years ago
You wouldn't think you should get excited about getting the rent you are due, it should be a given, but based on your experiences so far, I'm excited for you!
Dawn Anastasi, over 11 years ago
Congrats Deborah B.!
Brandon Turner, over 11 years ago