New Month, New Rent Adventures
Does this sound familiar?
August 1 - one rent check, from tenant I placed last month. One phone call from a tenant with a pretty good history, will pay on 9th. Ok, but you gotta include the late fee. One tenant who I had to sue to get paid last month has until the 10th this month...
August 2 - have spoken to all but one tenant, this tenant gets a postcard posted on his door, however, still no more rents.
August 3 - no rents... opening my mailbox is starting to be the saddest part of my day...
August 4 - Sunday
August 5 - JACKPOT! Four rents! Three in mailbox, one in person. One tenant who said she mailed on the 2nd is as yet unheard from, one tenant who has some issues claims she mailed on Thursday... we'll see. Otherwise - looks like we're getting some traction on the whole tenant 'training' front. The four rents included the person who was going to "have to" mail on the 9th... guess he figured out how to get it done before the late fee was due.
So, to summarize, on Oklahoma's official pay-or-quit date... Five have paid, two will get notices, One will get a brief break because she's Section 8 and I have no standing yet to evict. Not actually worried about her, she's paid for 12 years, probably more of an issue with USPS.
My favorite deadbeat had the gumption to tell me now that he can't pay on the 10th, needs a delay to the 15th. I told him his court date is on the 14th, figure it out.
Comments (7)
Jon Klaus - it's a continuance from last month... if you're completely on time with all postings here you can get a court date in 18-20 days but 14 would not be possible... minimum is 1) they get 5 days to be late 2) they get 5 days to pay or quit, 10 if not notified in person 3) then usually 7 days for court. So... post on 6th, file on 11th, court on 18th is best possible case scenario in Oklahoma... and would only work if no weekends or holidays fell on the relevant days.
Deborah Burian, over 11 years ago
Did you really get a court date on the 14th? That's fast.
Jon Klaus, over 11 years ago
NIce, Deborah!
Tyson Cross, over 11 years ago
Got the missing Section 8 rent today - woot woot. Down to my two deadbeats... one called in an utter panic after the posting, the other knows he has til the 10th. Things are looking up!
Deborah Burian, over 11 years ago
Deborah, great news! The "potty training" is coming along nicely!
Dawn Anastasi, over 11 years ago
You are reading that correctly. And you're also absolutely correct, I am counting on proper management adding significant value.
Deborah Burian, over 11 years ago
If I am reading this correctly the only person that paid on time is the one person you actually screened and placed? If so that is annoying but at least you know upon turnover you bring that management value that will allow for better performance in the long run.
Shaun Reilly, over 11 years ago