...and another one
Not joking. Wish I was.
Mr. 8 from the rent rant has clearly not been around for the two weeks I have been working on the other duplex in his unit. A few days ago, it dawned on me that it looked like his utilities might be off.
Yesterday, I gave him 24 hour notice that I was entering his property. He did not respond. We are on a winter storm watch and I didn't know if his heat was on. Entered the property today and sure enough, power and gas were off. It's 28 degrees outside. I texted the tenant and again no response. Fortunately, the lower unit has the heat screaming on to dry a floor so at ground level, the pipes should be fine.
Have my VA (otherwise known as my kid) call the electric company and they managed to get the power turned on in my name within a few hours. I installed a space heater near the bathroom water lines that run on an exterior wall.
I called the tenant and leave a message that all of the above is unacceptable and he could consider today the beginning of his 30 day notice. If his lease has an emergency clause... less than 30 day.
A few hours later the tenant called me. He's working in another town and he's just too busy to deal with all of this. We agree that he will be gone by December 1, leaving the unit in broom-clean condition.
That leaves me, as a practical matter, down three of my four problem tenants. 75% on my way and just a relief to be able to get in and git 'er done. Once more, the economics of the deal make all this doable, if aggravating. I can pay the mortgage and insurance on the remaining four. I have ample reserves for maintenance and fix-ups from the re-fi. It's all good *deep breath*.
For those of you counting, a fifth tenant, who is not a problem per se, has given notice but paid her November rent and the final unit is not yet ready for occupation.
Comments (3)
If they were problem tenants then best to be rid of them. To bad you are getting a good one leaving at the same time but at least they paid rent and gave notice. Hopefully you can get that one turned over fast too.
Shaun Reilly, over 11 years ago
Deborah, better days ahead. Keep your eyes on the prize.
Al Williamson, over 11 years ago
Sometimes vacancy is a good thing :-D We acquired a property just a month ago where the tenants are month-to-month ... fortunately. Two of the five may get encouragement to find a new home in the new year. Rent's are about 30% below market ... so we'll see.
Roy N., over 11 years ago