Retiring at ... 60?
I was at a friend's house the other day and they announced that they were going to retire at 60. They sounded happy, as 60 is of course less than 65 or 66 or whenever people generally retire these days.
And here I'm thinking ... I'm not even 40 and I'm working because I want to, not because I have to, and I'm doing volunteer work, and generally planning my own days instead of having someone else plan them for me via an 8-5 job. Waiting until 60 until that can happen just sounds kind of sad to me. That's like another 50% of my life!
So what exactly is "retirement"? Doing nothing? That sounds kind of boring actually.
Comments (2)
@Dawn Anastasi Most people think retiring at 60 is "early". I think you have the right idea to build the passive income to be able to control your own life.
I'm working towards that, too, but I don't think most people have any sort of plan except to work until retirement age and then retirement from work. They are retiring from work, but don't have an idea of what to retire to.
I heard someone at work say in a joking way, because of having a kid late in life that "I'm never going to be able to retire". But at the same time having a lot of financed expenses, cars, hobby equipment, trailer, etc..
I agree it sounds kind of sad, especially because of all of the stresses you expose yourself to by being dependent on a job.
I'm glad I found Mr Money Mustache a couple years ago and really set me on the right path. It sounds like you figured things out pretty early which is great! :)
Jeff T., over 7 years ago
I think most people mean leaving their "day job", or W-2 job when they say 'retirement'. It's a bit of a misnomer... I "retired" years ago, but am still active with my RE and other things.
Isn't it wonderful for your time to be your own? The key is to stay active physically, spiritually and mentally,
Arnie Guida, over 8 years ago