Air Conditioning
In one of my rental properties, I was cleaning out the basement. This property had been owned by a hoarder before I bought it, and there were all manner of things she collected. Luckily, the bank paid a company to come clean it out before I bought it, but I did happen to find a local Milwaukee Sentinel newspaper almost fully intact from July 16, 1966.
What a blast from the past!
Being a real estate investor, I immediately went to the section called "Improve Your Home" and found an article titled "More Homes Getting Central Air Conditioning". Now I'm sure I can't quote the whole article due to copyright issues, however it was interesting to read the "top 10 reasons" list they provided on why to get A/C. Some of them:
- Appetites are better. Mothers prepare more balanced and nutritious meals because cooking isn't the chore it is on hot, sticky days in non-air-conditioned homes.
- Dad is less inclined to put in extra hours at the office to take advantage of its air conditioning, so he spends more time with his family.
Ah, the 60s, when gender roles were so clearly defined!