Who is Someone I look Up To in Creative Investing?
I'd first like to toot my own horn for just a quick second, toot, toot. Okay, thanks for letting me do that.
I wanted to make a quick blog in response to an email newsletter that I just received that I felt had some value to it. This newsletter may not have value to every reader that received it, but different strokes for different folks.
See, I'm not a major rockstar, I don't travel the guru circuit and certainly don't follow the path of the sheep. I do what works for me and I enjoy it. It's that simple. Sure, I get tempted by other strategies, methods, techniques or whatever the new best thing since sliced bread thing is, but I know one thing, next week, it will be ancient history compared to the next best thing, blah blah blah blah, now buy my ridiculously over priced ripp-off of someone elses product please, thank you, sincerely, Joe 'guru' salesman.
Back to the lecture at hand, when I received this newsletter, I opened it up because I respect what this person says. I know he's not a big time guru, I know he's a hard working investor like myself. Those are the type of people I personally look up too. I respect people that regardless of their results whether it be just a few deals or hundreds, as long as they're rockin it with what they've got and they're keeping true to themselves, I got all the love in the world for ya!
This newsletter came from a fellow BP member named Tony Severino and I've always enjoyed his posts, he's always responded to me when I initiated conversations with him. There was a post a while back speaking of 'credibility kits' or something similar, I can't remember the exact name it was referred to. Tony mentioned that he does this with great success, I asked him to mail me a copy to use as a guideline/tool in creating one of my own. He did so at no charge to me which was really great of him to do. I since have subscribed to his newsletters and they've been packed with great info. I like his style and enjoy his approach.
This particular newsletter he discusses why he's going against the grain and I feel he's totally right in his thinking.
We all know short sales are the sexy thing to do, I still do them and I certainly don't want to knock on that. He mentioned he'll no longer be doing them unless they're a sure knock out because of the hassle involved with them. I certainly understand and agree with him. I truly don't think short sales are going to be that great for very much longer. They're increasing in 'PITA' status, but! and I mean a big Gluteus Maximus, there still is enough reward in short sales to continue doing them IF and I mean IF you really outsource most, if not all of your short sale business leaving you with time to do other things.
What are the other things? This is where I think Tony shines in his forward thinking.
He mentions he'll be spending more time on going after Free & Clear houses. Now, to me, I conclude this into the category of Creative Investing and what I take from this is that Tony is going to be spending less time on doing what everyone else is doing and spending more time on more profitable strategies that no one else is doing. He'll be the only fisherman in a lake full of fish!
That's what I like! and that's what attracts me to other investors like Tony. Those that can see the true benefits of whats going on. Sure, everyone and their mothers are 'trying' short sales and if you're just starting to get into them now, best of luck to ya, you're going to need it. It's going to take a long time building your business and by then, short sales might be so out of whack that no one even wants to touch them anymore and you'll be stuck not knowing where to go, what to do or where the money is.
Guys like myself and Tony will already be 2 steps ahead of you again, as we were with short sales. Don't worry though, we'll send a postcard from the greener side of the grass.
If you'd like to subscribe to Tony's newsletter, I would recommend it, it's FREE and I think he does a great job with it. Check out his site: creativeinvestingtips.com and subscribe.
You can also connect with him on Twitter: @GoGetAFreeHouse as well as facebook by simply searching his name.
That's all for today, get out there and get some work done!!!