Having a Bad Day?
We all have them. What we do about it is what makes us or breaks us.
Recently, I've been dealing with a severe ear infuction (yes, I said infuction because it Fuction hurts), however, I've been able to manage to lock a few deals verifiable by James. I've managed to do this while the right side of my head in and around my ear so bad that the doctors were worried about pressure or infection reaching my brain. At least, whats left of it after living a not so admirable life.
I've biotched and whined about life, but, never let it stop me from getting stuff done. You might find yourself coming up with excuses on why things are not working out for you, might blame this or that, maybe even him or her. Blah blah blah blah. Time to shut the pie hole!!! If you don't put ink to paper, that is no ones fault but your own!
I watched this video today and thought to myself, while my ear infuction has improved, although, I still can't hear out of my right ear yet, my day has got to be better than this guy! Watch the short video and leave a comment below. Tell me if you'd rather have your problems or his problems.
Comments (6)
Okay, that was pretty funny.
James Ward, almost 15 years ago
(in robot voice)That.. was.. incredibly.. hillarious.. I feel better now in comparison to the world of hurt Mr. Robot got himself into Nick, hope your feeling better my friend!
Matt Rosen, almost 15 years ago
Good stuff Nick! Hope you get to feeling better. Kyle
Account Closed, almost 15 years ago
Horribly funny Josh!! Tod, great point!
Nick J., almost 15 years ago
Funny! I wonder if he should've gotten Norton Utilities?
Tod R., almost 15 years ago
That was horrible, but kind of funny. That said, I hope you're feeling better soon, Nick!
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago