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Posted over 15 years ago

Money vs. Honesty...

Which means more to you? Brian and I tune into conservative talk radio and t.v. when we have time or are on the road going from meeting to meeting and all we hear about is the dishonesty that plagues our government, big corporations, financial advisers, financial institutions, etc. Why has dishonesty become the way of life for A LOT of people? Where did honesty go? Was the world like this when we were growing up and I just didn't realize it? The statement "Its just business; its not personal" - to me that is a bunch of bunk. If anything business should be is personal; great business people (not the most wealthy) should care about how people are treated. It is those people that give you more business in the long run through repeat or referrals.

Don't people in this world world and country that I love so much know that when you act with an honest heart that you once again receive so much more than you could ever dream of and YOU DON'T GO TO PRISON FOR 150 YEARS!

Why is it so important for someone to lie to get what they want or need? Is the love of money? No, I don't think so. I think its everyone has got to have it right NOW, NOW, NOW rather than waiting and saving for the right opportunity to come along. I know from personal experience because I am one of the most impatient persons I know but I have scruples and as I have gotten older my scruples have risen to the surface. It is these scruples that keep me from lying, cheating and stealing to get what I want. Its hard work that allows me to get these wants and needs.

Unfortunately our children are inundated with images and idols that for the most part have very few scruples. And, our public officials well the majority of those people lost their scruples the moment they took office if they had them to begin with.

I know I am on my soap box and these subjects may not be exactly what you want to read but they are important because with these character traits you can succeed in your business dealings and feel good about yourself while doing it.

It is these character traits that was built on and that is why we want all of you wonderful hardworking real estate professionals to try it. It will help make your job so much easier and in less than 10 minutes you will have all of the documents ready for the bank, your seller and the buyer.

Please go check it out - you can have a 30 day trial for only $1.00!

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and go to our website. Have a GREAT weekend!

Many Blessings,
Nancy and Brian
