Back In It Officially!
Monday, February 22
Brief post...I have officially went out and priced a couple houses today! I'm going to submit offers today as well! Woot!-Manuel
The Game Plan
Wednesday, September 23
Alright, so the obvious plan is to flip houses in 2016. But how do I get from here to there? Well let me lay out some things that I believe are instrumental in reaching that goal. I'm going to give time lines as well so anyone at a similar stage can see what I'm doing and maybe build off my plans...
The Time is Near
Wednesday, September 23
I've been feeling like this forever. Like I'm going to get back into flipping houses soon, and now I think I can say that the time is near, for reals this time.For those of you who may be curious of who I am, let me see... Well if I take a look at my first blog post in 2012, it appears that I am ...
Yay! I passed Nursing school!
Friday, April 24
Well... I did it!My tiny updates every four-ish months, and now I'm here! I have successfully gotten through what I'd consider the hardest experience I've had in my life thus far! I got my degree in Nursing and can now take the state boards to become a Registered Nurse!Beyond that, while I was do...
So Much to Ponder About + An Update
Friday, December 12
I know, I know. These posts don't really fit in to the theme of this site, but I kind of like keep this as a record to reflect on. If you're new to my rather bland posts, I just keep on updating on my progress from searching for my first fix and flip house (which I just could not land unfortunate...
Passing the Halfway Mark
Sunday, September 07
Okay, so as you probably don't know, these posts are just about me progressing from a normal, poverty stricken person, to a registered nurse (RN), and then finally to a real estate investor! That being said, this is just another update.So, I did it! I passed another semester of RN school, and I'd...