Yay! I passed Nursing school!
Well... I did it!
My tiny updates every four-ish months, and now I'm here! I have successfully gotten through what I'd consider the hardest experience I've had in my life thus far! I got my degree in Nursing and can now take the state boards to become a Registered Nurse!
Beyond that, while I was doing my preceptorship at one of my local hospitals, I got to talk to the kind Director of Nursing there, and me and my preceptor now think I have almost guaranteed myself employment there! This means that I will be an RN with a specialty in Cardiology, thus, I will be a Cardiac Nurse!
Life is great! I have graduated with $0 in debt, I am 100% debt free, and things are going swimmingly! I can now close this chapter of my life and move on to the investment/work side of my life!
Oh yeah! I'm now in the most critical point in my life where I'm able to make plenty of money from a job, have no debt, and very little bills! I believe this is the point I'll be looking back at in my life where I either, A: started investing in real estate and tried to achieve my dreams, or B: stayed, "safe" and simply did a job until I'm 65. Without a doubt, I'm 100% unafraid and prepared to go for plan A! Time to hit the real estate market very soon! Stay tuned!
Comments (2)
Congratulations @Manuel Acuna. That is huge. Best of luck to you.
Adrienne G., almost 10 years ago
Thanks @Adrienne G.!
Manuel A., almost 10 years ago