Looking for information on Tax Sales? Save your money!
There is a TON of websites that advertise how they can teach you how to make a lot of money from purchasing property tax liens. I admit, when I first started trying to find information about how the Property Tax Sale process worked in Louisiana I paid the $49 to one of these sites to obtain the information on how it all works. I was disapointed to find out that 99% of the information they provided me was list of the Louisiana Statutes coving property tax sales. While it is great to read and understand the laws in your state, this is also information that is available online for free.
So if you are looking for the Louisiana statutes then let me save you a couple bucks, you can read all of the laws here: http://www.louisianataxsales.com/louisiana-property-tax-laws.pdf
And if you have an general questions about Louisiana Tax Sales there is a lot of helpful information listed on my site: http://www.louisianataxsales.com
The two links above will cost you $0 and will be 100x more helpful then any of these "make money from property tax lien" sites.