Recap of 12 years of Property Tax Sale investing (Louisiana)
Thursday, March 04
How I got started I have to thank my real estate agent at the time and now friend, Marc for letting me know about property tax sales. I was a part owner of a company that was building house back in 2003-2008. When the housing market tanked we were lucky to make it out without going bankrupt (many...
Looking for information on Tax Sales? Save your money!
Wednesday, June 20
There is a TON of websites that advertise how they can teach you how to make a lot of money from purchasing property tax liens. I admit, when I first started trying to find information about how the Property Tax Sale process worked in Louisiana I paid the $49 to one of these sites to obtain the i...
Two Approaches to Investing in Property Tax Sales in LA
Tuesday, June 19
There is basically two types of investors when it comes to purchasing property at the tax sale, it is important for you to indetify which type you are and to then act accordingly with the best strategy for that type.Type 1: An investor seeking a high return on cash money: When you purchase a prop...