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What the Heck is a Conservation Easement?

Sunday, May 13

 Conservation easements are powerful, effective tools available to landowners for the permanent conservation of private lands in the United States. The use of conservation easement options has successfully protected millions of acres of wildlife habitat and open space, keeping land in private...

Wayne Gretzky & Land Investing

Sunday, May 13

Wayne Gretzky, arguably the greatest athlete that has ever dominated sports, has an amazing quote I think about all the time. He said, “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." When we apply this thinking towards land investing w...

An Investor's Perspective: Land Vs. Houses

Sunday, May 13

 People always ask me why I don't focus more on buying and flipping homes rather than buying and flipping land?   For me, the answer is simple. In order to buy a good home for a flip,  you have to find a home that already has equity. So you work the  short sale markets, foreclosure auctions,...

Want to know the secrets to quick profits? Land Flipping

Wednesday, April 18

Land flipping couldn’t be easier right? It’s a simple formula: by land wholesale, make improvements and then sell retail. Take profits. Buy more land, rinse and repeat.   Well of course it’s not that simple! As with most endeavors the devil is in the details. Nevertheless, I’m  excited to sha...

Invest in Land: Make More Money

Monday, April 16

Want to know why now as opposed to in the future is going to make you money? Simple. Supply and demand. When I started selling online there were about 1200 land listings on eBay. That was 10 years ago. At the market peak in 2006 there were about 3000 listings. Today, there are about 75...

3 Questions to Ask Yourself before Investing in Any Property

Monday, April 16

 Oftentimes I have noticed the average investor doesn't ask themselves the 3 most important questions before investing any piece of property.   Usually, they get emotionally involved in the imaginative issues with the property. They can see it as a wonderful homestead or a refuge from their ...