Problems Raising Money? What's Your TRUST Factor?
Wednesday, December 05
Many times I hear folks say they don’t know where to begin raising capital. To me it seems easy; you start with the contacts in your cell phone. There’s a lot of anxious money in the market right now, especially with retirement money. Why is money anxious you might ask? According to the most rece...
Buying Debt - Is it crazy to buy debt?
Wednesday, November 28
Sometimes it never ceases to amaze me the way people perceive debt buyers, but I do understand it to a degree because I went through it myself. I began my investing career in hard real estate, doing rehabs, flipping, and eventually lending out hard money for deals. So I understood the concepts of...
Tell me the rules and I’ll play the game
Wednesday, November 14
For my first 3 years of college I was an accounting major until one day I realized I really didn’t want to be an accountant. So I switched to business management and I have had zero regrets since, but that doesn’t mean accounting hasn’t been important to me over the years. Warren Buffet says, “Ac...
Foreclosure Facts: Foreclosure from the 2nd Position
Monday, November 05
One of the biggest misconceptions about 2nd mortgages is foreclosure. Foreclosing from the position of a 2nd mortgage or foreclosing from ANY secured lien position for that matter is totally possible. After attending this year's "Noteworthy" event in Las Vegas, NV, arguably one of the largest not...
My Most Rewarding Rental
Tuesday, October 23
Over the last 25 years I've had or managed just about every type of rental property you could have: including everything from high end residential, commercial offices, garages, mobile homes, section 8, battered women with community action, etc. But none have been as rewarding as my latest project...
Raising Private Money Tips: What’s a Buyers List Without a Money List?
Tuesday, October 16
Raising Private Money Tips: What’s a Buyers List Without a Money List?An old time Real Estate Investor once asked me how many real estate deals could I do if I had an unlimited supply of money? It’s really a scalability question. Can you do 12 rehabs? 24? 48? You get the idea. Money is the gasoli...