How Much Money Should You Budget To Buy a Home?
Monday, August 26
You have made the decision to buy a home. Have you truly budgeted to actually afford a new home and have the money to move? When you meet with a loan officer, they will determine how much you can afford based on your credit worthiness. Just because you are approved for a certain dollar amount,...
Finding You on the Internet - Realtors
Thursday, June 06
How important is social networking for real estate agents? In today’s market social networking is increasingly getting more important. What you post about yourself is really the first impression perspective clients have. Many employers have easy access to social media and use it to decide if the...
Emotional Mistakes When Selling Your Home
Thursday, June 06
We all have at one time or another said something in the heat of the moment just to wish we could take those words back. The truth is that we all commit emotional mistakes in different areas in our lives. But what about when it comes to selling a home? The stakes are too high to allow yourself...
Online Buyers - How to Fill Your Open Houses
Thursday, June 06
So you have a new listing and you want to hold an open house but you have been told by many of your peers that open houses are a waste of time. No one wants to waste a Saturday or Sunday afternoon sitting at an empty open house. These days with new digital tools it makes it easier than ever to ...
Trees and DFW Real Estate
Thursday, June 06
A mature tree on your property can account for as much as 10% of its assessed value. With that much at stake you want to sure your trees remain healthy.Annual Inspecting Your TreesNo one knows your trees better than you do. Just after they leaf out in the early spring walk around and look at yo...
To Get Professional Home Photos or Not
Wednesday, May 01
According to the National Association of Realtors, 94% of consumers start their home search online. A photo says a 1000 words right? Then how come some photos posted look terrible? We have all seen photos looking unprofessional with bad lighting or they are out of focus. Photos are crucial to th...