Do You Lease Purchase
I wrote something a while back about a story that recently shared with me. It really gets to the point about how powerful the Lease Purchase strategy can be when used correctly in today’s market.
“During the , our special guest Andy Heller shared a scenario with me that really speaks volumes to the power of the Lease Purchase strategy. That story went a little something like this…
Andy had a property which he had a tenant buyer move into several years back. For whatever reason the tenant was not making payments and it was looking like Andy was going to have to evict the tenant. As the process began, Andy decided to start the search for a new tenant buyer by placing an ad in the local newspaper.
After a few days Andy had received a half dozen quality leads and he was ready to move forward when, all of a sudden, the current tenant received a loan from his mom and caught up the back payments. So the tenant stayed in the home and Andy had a half dozen leads he had nothing to do with…Keep in mind that this first scenario took place during our booming real estate market.
Fast forward a few years to the present. We are in a declining real estate market when the same thing happened on the same property. The tenant became late with his payments and Andy was going to have to evict. Andy decided to run the same ad in the same newspaper, but guess what happened this time?
Andy received over 50 qualified leads of potential lease purchasers!
Don’t you think that it would be a wise decision to Learn To Lease Purchase?”
I hope that this little story inspires you to add the Lease Purchase strategy to your investor toolbox.
~ Ross Treakle
Comments (2)
Hi Ross, I agree 100% with you. I've been a full-time investor for 14 years now and all my houses that I have are on Lease-Options. I also have a Buyers List and need to find property to put them in (for the ones that have NROC-[Non-Refundable Option Consideration])
Jeff Richman, about 16 years ago
I have a old House Listing that I get tons of phone calls on per day. Its listed for $850k any way to use the lease purchase model here? Thanks for the inspiration!
Kho, about 16 years ago