2009 Goals
What are your goals for 2009?
I have a few goals myself that I am getting a good jump on implementing that I would like to share with you.
Resolution #1: The first goal seems to be a favorite…among the entire world!…LOSE WEIGHT!
I am not going to spend too much time on this one but my goal is to lose 10lbs by the end of the first quarter (more on the year break down in a bit). – I am already down 4lbs!
Resolution #2: Get more involved with online social media and web 2.0 applications.
I find myself in an interesting position. Because I have been online since 2005 helping real estate investors get connected with different experts (I hate using the word “guru”), I have positioned myself as someone whose name is recognized!
I was just recently on the phone with a customer and she seemed lost for words because she was talking to me!
And while I do not think I am famous or really want to be considered an expert in real estate, I want to expand on what I have built and reach out to more real estate investors in order to offer a helping hand. I believe I have something special to offer and I am dedicated to offering my unique spin (see resolution #3)
Thus, social media and web 2.0 seems to be the most logical platform in order to spread the word about who I am and what I have to offer!
I am doing this through a few methods, of which my main concentration is this blog and (my goal for twitter is to have 10,000 followers by the end of the first quarter)!
Do you have any good ideas that I can use to grow my social media reach?
Resolution #3: Bring affordable high quality real estate information to the public
I have recently dedicated myself towards making very inexpensive yet high quality information available to the real estate investor. I am doing so by taking advantage of my many connections with well known experts in the real estate investment community.
I have already released two products, one called “Cover Your Ass Contract Clauses” and the other “Learn To Lease Purchase”. We have a third product which will be launched shortly called “Become An REO Expert” and have several other products already in the pipeline.
What you will quickly notice is that these products are all very affordable and, in my mind, are all exceptional values when you look at the material covered compared to the price. By the end of 2009 my goal is to have 30 of these products available!
Why did I mention the end of the First Quarter above?
I like to set my goals with a time frame in mind. I have found that when I have set a time frame and a very specific goal, it becomes easier to reach that goal.
What I shared above is just a small glance at my goals for ’09, but note that they all have very specific numbers and are defined by a specific time.
Goals that are a) not specific and b) not clearly defined will never be reached.
Let’s say for example that my goal was to get more fit in 2009…what the hec does “get more fit” even mean?
~ Cheers,
Ross Treakle