Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Wednesday, January 11
I can’t take credit for this old adage, but it is one that is so very true. I just got off the phone with a client who has a house in foreclosure, is getting a divorce, is on disability and whom the bank told has to be out of her house by the 30th of the month. This woman has no money to fi...
10 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself Before You Buy a Home
Monday, December 26
Owning a home is the American dream, but for some people, taking that home away and making big money is what they dream about. I want to share with you 10 ways you can buy smarter and put yourself in position to fight off the banks and everyone else that wants to take your home away from you....
Top 10 Bullsh*t Reasons Banks Give for NOT Approving Loan Modifications
Tuesday, December 20
If you’re one of the millions of people – and I do mean millions – who have applied for a loan modification and been turned down, you don’t need me to tell you how difficult it is. You may be thinking to yourself that it was something you did. But I’m here to tell you that if you went to your len...
Banks Get Sweetheart Deals to Foreclose on Homeowners
Monday, December 19
I’ve been talking about some of the reasons it can be so hard for you to get a loan modification. Trying to fight your lender by yourself is basically like trying to fight Mike Tyson in his prime. I knew it was tough out there, but I was recently shown a video that explains yet another reason tha...
Don't Let the Bank Sell or Foreclose on Your Home
Tuesday, December 13
I’ve been getting calls lately from people who say that even though they are in the process of applying for a loan modification from their lender, the bank is foreclosing on their house. If you have applied for a loan modification or are considering applying for a loan modification, you need the ...
History Shows Why Now is the Time to Buy
Friday, December 02
If you’ve been watching the stock market the past couple weeks, you’re probably a little worried. There’s good reason for worry, but not if you're thinking of investing in real estate. Now is the time to buy. For the past 40 years the United States real estate market has gone through a pendu...