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Posted over 15 years ago

Joker Brokers and Those Who Aren't



It has been said before, and bears repeating. A deal will never get done until the buyer and the seller are allowed to negotiate.

I had yet another call yesterday from a Joker Broker...he does not know who the buyer is, has no way of providing any documentation, and will not give out the information to get thru to the buyers rep.

Of course, I am still an idiot, a sucker for sniffing out the trail. So I do attempt, and would you believe the "buyers rep" is another Joker Broker, who does not really know who the buyer is either. 

I pledge here in this forum that I will not bring a deal forward where I am not direct to the sellers Rep....I will know who the seller is, and I will work with a Buyers Rep only to provide proof of this product.

I have posted here before about being direct to the buyer or seller, or at least having the ability to put these parties on the phone. I have finally learned there is no substitute for getting a deal done.

Joker Brokers.........Unite!!!! and ask the hard questions........Is anyone on your conference call able to put the buyer or seller on the phone......if not....then please stop and go clean out your sock drawer or something else that will have more importance than this call.

This week I had the pleasure of determining that most all of the "tapes" I had forwarded to me were bogus Fishing Expiditions.  Here is the very real reality. Billion dollar deals will not be done over the internet.


Now go do something important with your time.


Call me if you are direct to a buyer or a seller and wish to complete a transaction....Smaller deals will get done in a very short time....


Mike Norvell Sr

Norvell Consutling Group







