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How much capital do you need for your startup?

Saturday, August 29

Find out by reading my article in the Seattle Examiner:

NAR Statistics

Monday, June 15

Recent National Association of Realtors Home Sales research:Highlights: Home Sales up over last month  Average home price up over last month, though down overall from last year Inventory Down   Full statistics after the jump at:

WA State Business Statistics

Tuesday, June 09

WA State Department of Revenue released in its 2008 year end report the following business statistics: Gross Business Income was reported at over $627 billion, an increase of 2.7% or $16.8 billion compared to 2007.  Overall in 2008 there was small growth during the year 2008. Food products were u...

Business Start Up Costs

Tuesday, June 09

A recent report from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports that 1/3 of all new businesses fail within the first two years, mainly because the owners did not correctly calculate how much it would take to start the company and keep the doors open long enough to start turning a profit. When sta...

Small Business Performance

Tuesday, June 09

Small businesses account for 75% of all businesses in the U.S. and more than $800 Billion in revenue each year. And that number is on the rise! Recent economic conditions have made starting a business an easier decision than ever.  With massive corporate layoffs and uncertainty in the job market,...

Cornerstone Funding Online Blog

Sunday, April 12

 View the full Cornerstone Funding Blog at our website, or click here to go straight to it. You'll find articles from Cornerstone principals and other industry professionals, podcasts, webcasts, an online store for brokers and investors, and much, much more.