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Fall Cleaning for your Business

Tuesday, September 08

Fall cleaning extends the life of your business and increases efficiency and profitability. Learn how to perform fall cleaning for your business by reading the article here. Read more small business and real estate articles here.

Business Loans for Every Stage of Enterprice

Thursday, September 03

There are several business loan options for businesses in every stage of enterprise. The particular program and amount of loan for which you and your business may qualify will vary depending on the stage and financial status of your company.The SBA provides loan guarantees in conjunction with loa...

Applying for Hard Money Commercial Loans Online

Thursday, September 03

Many hard money commercial loan lenders have chosen to take their business online, offering streamlined application processes, easy document collection, and efficient underwriting. Before you decide to apply for a hard money commercial loan online you should collect all the relevant documents and...

Comparing Stated Income and Full Doc Loans

Thursday, September 03

Most residential and commercial loans can be categorized as either full documentation or stated income loans.  The differences between the two loan types, though few, can have a great effect on everything from interest rate, payment amount, and length of the loan.The major difference between a f...

Hard money for your business

Tuesday, September 01

If your business can not obtain a loan from the SBA or through a commercial lender your only option may be to use hard money.These loans typically require less documentation than conventional commercial loans, but carry with them higher interest rates, and lender points and fees. Know the facts b...

Commercial Interest Rate Survey - Quarterly Report

Monday, August 31

Realty Rates released their recent commercial interest rates survey.Apartment/multifamily leads the way with the lowest offered average interest rate, as usual, with the golf/resort sector picking up the rear with the highest average interest rates.Read the entire report at Realty Rates here: htt...