Creative Financial Solutions Updated Company Website
Friday, September 25
After a year in the works Creative Financial Solutions has just launched our new company website that we use to collect real estate note quote requests. I personally put a lot of time and effort into the content and into making the site more user friendly than our past versions. We have also in...
How to Create a Secure and Saleable Real Estate Note?
Wednesday, June 03
Following are the basics of how to use seller financing to create the most secure, saleable (at the lowest discount) seller financed real estate notes.First a Real Estate Sale with seller financing: Sell the property to a buyer who will occupy it (called owner occupied). Get an appraisal and sel...
Twitter And Facebook Mortgage / Investor Networking!
Saturday, April 18
We have been getting a lot of quality traffic from invesotrs, real estate and mortgage professionals form our Twitter page: and From Our Creative Real Estate Page on Facebook at: We are always looking to network and share information with others intereted in rea...
Mortgage Note Buyer
Tuesday, February 03
When property sellers need to receive as much cash as possible immediately for the down payment on their next house, it is critical to anticipate this need in order to use seller financing to their advantage.Getting top dollar for a note visit : www.CreativeFundingService.comIn a typical seller...