So what's driving demand for apartments
Sunday, August 21
Many factors are driving demand, starting with the demographic surge of 20 to 34-year-olds, who are typically renters. This increasing population also has absorbed most of the job growth during the economic recovery and no longer relates to the "American Dream" of homeownership. This demographic ...
Foreclosures continue to lag on housing but...
Tuesday, August 16
As foreclosure rates continue to reach historic levels the demand for multifamily apartments continues to increase at a tremendous rate. While this is bad news for homeowners this is excellent news for landlords ...
Quick Tip to Get Brokers on Your Side
Friday, August 12
Quick tip to get a broker on your him lunch! Went to lunch with the Broker representing the bank on the 74 Unit deal we are going to bid on and i picked up the tab. his response "Chris no one has bought me lunch in the last 5 years, thank you so much. I look forward to seeing you guy...
Importance of Understanding Your Competition
Thursday, August 11
When analyzing a potential multifamily deal one quick tip is to make sure you do a rent study. It is always important to understand what rent your competition is asking for similar units and also what concessions that they are offering. A big mistake many novice investors make is taking the brok...