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Posted about 15 years ago

Refinance Sources for Your Real Estate Property Investment

Buy the investment property way below the ARV - or After Repair Value - rehab it, find a tenant, go to a financial source to recoup all the money aquiring and rehabbing the property. If you did your homework correctly, the tenant’s rent should pay all of your monthly expenses and you should be making a positive cash flow every month.

Your tenant’s rent is paying your mortgage from your refinance and now you seek your next real estate investment property.

Sounds simple - real estate gurus charge would be investors thousands of dollars teaching the details and to understand this concept. As a , I see this false belief that there is “no refinance money available”.

A few days ago, after sending out one of our emails to , I received an email asking me, “What bank/mortgage co. is still giving out cash-out mortgages?” Well, I kindly referred him to click on the link provided in the email and contact the various financial sources on our website.

  This is from a bank that just sent me their updated loan and refinance programs.

Yes, the banks have pulled back on handing out money for investment real estate - but the sources are still there. You have to look for it.

I can’t understand going on the internet and checking out several websites for prices of books or airlines tickets - but contact one or two banks, get a “no”, and you stop? Isn’t your financial goals important enough to call 5 banks, 7 banks….even 10 banks?

And if you don’t have the funds to get started, there exists the . Do your due diligence and make sure all or your costs and expenses are covered at the end of the deal.
