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Temple University’s 1.2 Billion Expansion – Good For Property Investors

Monday, June 14

Student housing has been a hot real estate investment subject. Philadelphia, with several major universities and hospital universities in the city and surrounding area, has become a great source for positive cash flowing properties. In particular, the Temple University area has been  hot for in...

Global Upheaval Equals Low Mortgage Rates

Tuesday, June 01

The upheaval of the global financial market has produced one positive side effect: historically low mortgage interest rates. For the past year or so we have been hearing about historically low interest rates, repeatedly being told that the rates are the lowest that they have been in 30 years, sin...

Understanding After Repair Value (ARV)

Tuesday, February 16

In today’s real estate market, property investors look at specific ARV as the end-goal that their investment  property must reach.  However, in the last few years, it seems that this “ARV goal post” was in constant movement.  How do you reach a goal when they keep moving the goal posts?2008 and 2...

Flipping An Investment Property? An Inspection Can Make or Break Your Deal

Monday, January 25

Since the start of the $ 8,000 tax credit and its extension to the end of April 201o, the flipping market has quite popular in the Philadelphia area.  Some realtors and other investors that I’ve talked to over the past few weeks, have expressed that first time home buyers that are qualified for t...

Real Estate, Where are We? Investment Property - Buyer’s Market

Sunday, January 03

It is a buyer's market When it comes to real estate the general sentiment appears to be that of putting 2009 in the past and looking forward to a brighter 2010.  Looking at where we are and where we are headed as far as real estate goes will take us from the present into the future.  Currentl...

USA's Hottest Real Estate Zip Codes - Philadelphia has #2 & #3

Sunday, November 22

Well, finally something that’s been touted here at this blog site for several years is proving to be true, although it comes to no surprise for those of us seeking, wholesaling and purchasing cash flow real estate investments in Philadelphia and the region.  Based on a Zillow “Home Value Index”, ...