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Posted about 1 year ago

What is the most dangerous word in the English language?

What is the most dangerous word in the English language?

It is...


The word Because is dangerous because it helps us justify whatever comes before it.

The word Because helps you justify your point of view.

The word Because has killed more dreams than any other word.

The word Because has caused more pain than any other word.

The word Because helps perpetuate the hate and anger that the world is seeing today.

It gives the person saying it the justification to do whatever they feel.

It justifies wars...

It justifies not taking actions...

It justifies hurting others...

It justifies being a jerk...

It takes the responsibility off of us and puts it on someone else.


It blames others.

How do I know this?

Because I use this dangerous word daily to support the things I do.

And my coach has to remind me I am using it in that way.

She reminds me that I am in control of my life and that I am the creator of my reality.

I can choose to use Because as a way to justify my upset and hurt.

Or I can choose to transform Because into Be Cause in my life.

Choosing to Be Cause in my life puts me in action to create the next thing.

Choosing to Be Cause in my life makes me responsible for the outcome.

Choosing to Be Cause in my life gives me my power back.

And when I have my power I am unstoppable.

And that is exactly what I want you to be...


So take a look at your life and see if you are using Because to justify why you don’t have what you want.

And if you are...

Transform it into Be Cause in your life and start taking action to achieve what you want.

It will give you your power back


Cheers to you and all of your success!
