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Posted about 1 year ago

🚀 Before Diving into Business, Drink in This Wisdom! 🚀

Before you start a business read this….

When I was 18 years old all I could think about was:

1). Making money

2). Traveling the world

3). Helping others

I had no idea what any of it was about…

Or the adventure I had ahead of me…

But I was bound and determined to figure it out.

Fast forward 18 years later and I have finally figured it out.

Figured out how to predictably have success in a business.

Figured out how to travel the world and run a business...

And figured out how to really help people.

And I also feel a huge responsibility given that I “figured it out”.

And that responsibility means letting people know what I have gone through to get here.

Because it wasn’t an overnight success.

I spent 5 years in college….borrowing money from my friends just to go out on the weekends.

1 year driving from Kouts, IN to Chicago (200 mile round trip) every day for a job I never got paid for…but I got experience.

I spent the next 1 year as a commodities broker making $0….still borrowing money from friends and family….and still learning.

Then spent the next two years as a valuation consultant for $35K / year while I worked 60 - 100 hours a week trying to prove myself.

Which I did…

And I finally made it to one of the best companies in the world for valuation / financial consultants.

I had a fat six figure compensation plan…

The 401K…

Life insurance…

Dental insurance…

Vision insurance…


I became a published author and had the opportunity to work directly with the founding partners.

And the opportunity to be a partner at one of the founding firms in my industry.

And I gave it all up.

I gave it up to pursue my dream of…

1). Traveling the world.

2). Making money

3). Helping people

And it didn’t get easier….

I got better.

I would do things like….

Ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a year straight…

Borrowed money to work a job I didn’t get paid for…just for the experience….

Drove 200 miles round trip 2 times a week to go to my real estate investing masterminds….for 3 years straight.

Trashed my credit….

Lived in an RV for 1 year in my friend's yard….

Had partners steal from me…

Lost $500K+ on one deal…because I didn't listen to my mentors.

Had to choose between office bills and personal bills….I chose the office of course 🙂

Have cried countless times because I didn’t know what to do….

Have had to fire my “best friend” multiple times….

Spend over $300K on education, coaching, consulting, mentors…

And more.

And today I have learned that this is all part of the process.

Because everything is training and development.

And you have to be tough (not a jerk) to make it as a business owner / investor.

You are going to get tested everyday.

And you will have to take responsibility for everything….

And I mean everything.

But the “reward” for not giving up far exceeds anything you will have to go through to get here.

Today my wife and I get to say we are living our “dream life” on “our terms”.

Do we still have stuff happen….absolutely.

But today we are people who can manage it powerfully.

Because we surround ourselves with amazing people.

I remember when I joined my first “mastermind” 11 years ago.

I was scared to death but more excited than I have ever been.

I felt that same feeling when I signed up for the coaching program with these guys.

It was the most money I have ever spent for coaching before.

And today I will tell you it was worth every penny.

There is a reason that “high level” masterminds get results.

And that is because everyone in there had to write the same cheque….and put something at risk.

The key is making sure the people you write that cheque to are ready to step into the ring with you when you need them.

And the entire team at C&C were ready to step into that ring with us.

My wife and I are so excited for being only one of 22 people to receive this award from their coaching program.

And what we learned along the way can’t even be described.

We have two 7 figure business….and two 6 figure businesses…

We are getting ready to launch another business that is projected to be doing $2M / month in the next two years.

And it would have never happened if I quit.

I don’t know where you are on your journey….

But I do want you to know anything you want is possible.

It is about surrounding yourself with the right people.

Who are more interested in your success than just making money.

That is why I am starting our newest Facebook group to help businesses scale...coming soon 🙂

I have learned so much on my journey getting here and want to help as many people as I can with their businesses…

Because I believe businesses are the superpower to have whatever you want….

And that is what I want for you 🙂

I will be sharing everything I am doing in my businesses…

And document my path from $0 / month to $2M / month in our newest business venture.

And if after reading all of this you still want to become a business owner / investor….

Then you might just have what it takes to make it!

Cheers to each and everyone of you that are “going for it”!

Keep focused and committed.

And know you always have a friend in me 🙂
