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Posted almost 2 years ago

Slow Down To Hurry up

This week has been one crazy week. I have had a lot of new opportunities come my way. I am finalizing a flip with a partner, got loans under the agreement, met with a new investor to help them, met with another investor to talk about an STR partnership strategy, put a home on the market, and much more. When this happens I find that I feel overwhelmed with everything going on. This feeling of being overwhelmed makes it so I am indecisive and don't get what needs to get done. I am sure all of you in business have found yourself in this situation before.

This often happens to anyone growing a business. It is actually a great thing and is called momentum. You are running faster and faster or rather your business is. To me it's exciting. It has always meant my business is about to make a breakthrough as long as I keep pushing strategically. You don't want to slow down or stop and lose your momentum but you always don't want to burn yourself out as I talked about in a previous blog. You may be asking yourself how to get my bag of chips and eat it too. (I am more of salt over sweet kind of guy)

There are a few things I always do when I find myself in this situation. The first of which is to take a step back and take a breath. Things are not usually as out of control as you think they are. The next step is to get it out of your heart. Grab a piece of paper either physical or digital and get everything going on out of that head and on there. I am a whiteboard person so I love doing that. Once it's there you will see it's not as much as you thought and you can systematically look at it and make a decision. What has to be done now, what should be done later, and what is not helping my business right now? I find there are always pressing things that will help your business or what needs to be done now. There are things we think need to be done now but when we look at it and take a real look it can be done tomorrow or next week. I am not saying procrastinate and sit on the couch with a bag of chips (man I must be craving chips, dang diet). I am saying use the time to do the more important things. The third is what doesn't need to be done. There are things we all do in business that don't help fulfill us or do not help the business. We need to drop those or trim the fat (back to the diet I guess). Some things you may keep around because it fulfills you. You just have to make sure it doesn't hinder the business. For example, I sit with at least one new investor a week on average to talk about them, and their aspirations and figure out how I can give them some guidance. This does not directly impact my business, but it fulfills me.

So if you are feeling like this ever. Shut the door, turn off your email, hide the phone and get it all out of your head. Then turn everything back on and execute your plan!

Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for sharing, its very informative.