Here's What To Do About The Real Estate Bubble That Could Burst...
Wednesday, April 06
Why do some investors make money in real estate while others do not? You could point to many different reasons, and some might even say that the successful investor was lucky in their timing. However, there’s a key investing skill that is often thought to be a myth, yet it’s absolutely true.I’...
How To Increase Profit And Reduce Turnover In Your Rental Property
Sunday, March 20
If you’re a rental investor, you might be struggling with a very common problem: tenant turnover… and its impact on occupancy.Tenant turnover is when your tenant rents your property, stays in it for a while, then leaves. They’re supposed to give you plenty of notice but maybe they leave the pro...
Investing 101 Cheat Sheet (For Beginners)
Thursday, February 25
I love helping investors of all levels of experience. So frequently, when I'm approached by new investors, they want to know...How To Assess An Investment Return And Decide If It's Right For ThemIn this blog post you’ll get an introduction to investing income to help you decide how to assess whe...
Economic Uncertainy Abounds! Here's What Every Investor Should Do Now
Wednesday, February 10
The economy might seem to be bad news but I’ve got some good news for you!As a general rule, I try to not read or watch the news… And you shouldn’t either. Most of the time, the newsmedia prefers to splash scare-mongering headlines that become self-fulfilling prophecies, driving “groupthink” i...
Here's My Favorite Strategy To Build Your Buyers List
Friday, February 05
If you’ve been following me for any length of time then you know my approach to investing. It basically works like this: meet people with money (your buyers), figure out what they want, then go out and find what they want and sell it to them.Build your buyers list first and always continue bui...
1 Month Into 2016... How Are YOUR Investing Resolutions?
Wednesday, January 27
Hi real estate investors! We're one month into 2016... did you set any New Year's Resolutions for your real estate investing business? If so, what were they? And, how have you been progressing on them? People love setting New Year's resolutions (I do too). They create goals that they hope to pu...