The Cleanest Dirty Shirt in the Laundry
You can probably remember a time in your life when you didn't have any clean clothes. You went into the laundry in search of the cleanest dirty shirt.
Buying a Multifamily in Worcester is basically like this.
There are so many old houses with flaws. If you spend your time trying to find the perfect one, you will never find it.
If you do find a house that is done, someone else will probably outbid you.
The key is to understand that these Multis are not perfect. Figure out what you can live with and buy a place and improve it.
Did you pick the shirt with the stain you "can't really see" or the one that smells, and you keep a distance from people.
When you buy your multi, you won't find anything perfect. Find the one that you can live with owning.