Impact of Rising Demand at Food Pantries on Tenants
There's a notable article in the Telegram and Gazette about the spike in demand at food pantries, "Food assistance: Demand at food pantries spikes as rents increase and wages do not".
It's safe to say that the majority of visitors to food pantries are renters. If tenants struggle to afford food, they'll likely struggle to pay rent. So, how does this affect you as a landlord? Understanding your tenants and their needs is crucial. They're facing pressure from all sides due to inflation, especially in essentials like food, housing, and auto insurance.
What can we do to assist? The key is to create more well-paying jobs in Worcester, close to where people live. With free bussing available, it's essential for people to access public transportation for work. The first step toward this goal is for the city council to recognize the harm caused by maintaining a high commercial tax rate, which drives companies away from the city.
Hopefully, we can explore more avenues to generate employment opportunities for Worcester residents, empowering them to work and sustain themselves.
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