How Real Estate Taxes work in Worcester Massachusetts
Thursday, September 22
I have had a bunch of buyers ask me why they should plan on taxes going up after they buy a property. As we know, Taxes always go up. That is a bit too simplistic. Basically your tax bill is as follows. ASSESSED VALUE X TAX RATE The tax rate is calculated annually, in Worcester it is $15.21 per $...
1/6 of all jobs in MA are in Boston- they are not in Worcester?
Wednesday, September 14
Here is your answer. I was reading an article on Rent Control today and they shared this stat. 1 of 6 Jobs in MA are in Boston. That means that ALL REAL ESTATE revolves around Boston. All other markets are secondary markets. People who make more $ can live closer to Boston. Worcester is clos...
Like a bad dye job the truth is in the roots
Thursday, August 25
It is the BONES/ROOTS of the house that matter There are so many people out there looking for an INSTAGRAM ready house/apartment. Do not be fooled. The proof is in the roots/bones of the house. If you don't have a good foundation you are in trouble. Keep these prices in mind when evaluating a hou...
The Cleanest Dirty Shirt in the Laundry
Thursday, August 25
You can probably remember a time in your life when you didn't have any clean clothes. You went into the laundry in search of the cleanest dirty shirt. Buying a Multifamily in Worcester is basically like this. There are so many old houses with flaws. If you spend your time trying to find the per...
Should Worcester Ban Fossil Fuels in houses?
Friday, August 19
Great article from Henry Schwan in the T&G WorcesterMulti gets quoted so make sure you read through. We would love to get as much investment into Worcester and a BAN will limit that. Anytime you take options away from investors, some of them will do something...
Who can afford to live in Worcester? Can your tenants?
Friday, August 19
Great article in the T&G highlights Fair market rent for a 2 BR in Worcester is $1491/month so at 30% spent on rent you need to earn $29/hour or $60k a year to afford that. 37% of people in Worcester Rent Median hourly wage for renters is $17.17/hr so th...