I write my goals down when I wake up, before bed, and whenever I feel disappointed.
One of the goals I used to write down was , " I own 1,000 rental units that make 12% ROI and 15-20% IRR."
However, I experienced in my life time that we never really reach our big goals but we always fall just shy of it. And if you are reaching your goals that means your goals are not big enough.
As a response, I started writing " I own 10,000 rental units that make 12% ROI and 15-20% IRR." My thinking is if I only complete 75% of my goal I would rather have 7500 units than 750 units any day.Both goals are gonna kick my butt. Might as well get the bigger number.
I obviously have not reached my goal yet, but I realize I am taking even bigger action with my 10,000 unit goal.I was already taking massive action with my 1000 units action.
I will let you guys know in 40 years if this actually works or is just crazy lol .