Last November, when I hired my first employee I was too lax. I would let him update our KPI's without verifying them. I didn't track his stats everyday. I would wait until the weekend to look at the numbers. We would go over the numbers on Mondays only.
This time around I'm more focused on the numbers and go over them everyday with my team . I track the following stats everyday:
- outbound calls
-inbound calls
-outgoing text
-incoming text
- average call durations
Every morning we are going over the numbers . Are we on track? Are our goals realistic or do we need to adjust our goals.
I am also tracking how many decision makers, influencers and gate keepers we talked to so far. Are we getting closer to that 75% benchmark of contacting decision makers from our list? If not is the problem the accuracy of the phone numbers or is it the caller?
My goal is to have no surprises in my business week in and week out.