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Posted over 3 years ago

Fight Through Obstacles to Achieve Your Goals

The human mind is a peculiar thing. It can come up with all manner of excuses and objections not to do something or to procrastinate.

Overcoming obstacles to take action is about having the right mindset.

In Mark’s story of Jesus’ life (Mark 5:25-34), we come across a woman who overcame obstacles to receive healing from Jesus.

Here’s the quick back story.

She had some type of issue where she was bleeding for twelve years. She had been to every doctor and specialists all to no avail. No doubt she spent her life savings to try to get better. She even tried essential oils, both the Keto and Paleo diet and P90X! All to no avail.

She heard Jesus was passing through town and thought “if I could just touch his clothes then I could be healed.

But of course, there were the obstacles. She has no money, no clout, and had run out of solutions.

She also was a social outcast. In the Jewish religion of the day someone with a bleeding issue was unclean and to be avoided lest someone be contaminated and not able to properly worship.

Then there was the issue of the large crowds all around Jesus. How could she possibly get close enough to Jesus? How could she overcome these obstacles?

It would have been easy for the unnamed woman to cash it in. Forget about being healed. Go back to her place. Not to even bother.

But she had a vision to be healed and fought through the crowd to touch Jesus and in the process was healed. What a wonderful example of perseverance.

She chose to look at what was possible instead of what seemed impossible.

How about you? Will you push through the obstacles in your real estate investing journey to achieve the goals and dreams you hold even though the odds sometimes seem stacked against you?

Do you find yourself saying things like:

“I am a woman in a male dominated field.”

“I don’t have money.”

“I am not sure I know enough to take down my first property.”

“People won’t take me seriously.”

“There are no more good deals left.”

All these statements represent limited thinking. The woman with the bleeding issue practiced abundance thinking.

Her “Why” of seeking healing made the obstacles she faced conquerable. She refused to settle for lies and sickness for even one more day in her life. She got her mind right and took action!

She can teach us a thing or two.
