Microwave and Crockpot Investing
Friday, June 24
Our society is an instant gratification society. I know I have fallen into this trap. ---We don’t want to wait for our food so we have fast food. ---We don’t want to drive to a movie theater when someone else sets the time for a movie, we can get it on Netflix “on demand.” ---With a click of a ...
3 Ways RE Investors Can Practice an Attitude of Gratitude
Tuesday, November 24
Gratitude is all the rage these days! And, it should be. Practicing an “Attitude of Gratitude” on a regular basis has been proven to have substantial changes on our outlook and life. One study at UC Davis, found the practice of keeping a gratitude journal improved participants’ happiness quotien...
Fight Through Obstacles to Achieve Your Goals
Thursday, November 19
The human mind is a peculiar thing. It can come up with all manner of excuses and objections not to do something or to procrastinate. Overcoming obstacles to take action is about having the right mindset. In Mark’s story of Jesus’ life (Mark 5:25-34), we come across a woman who overcame obstacles...
3 Lessons about Delegation from Moses for Real Estate Investors
Thursday, October 01
It may be surprising to some, but the Bible contains more than a few lessons for real estate investors today. Such is the case with the leader and prophet Moses from the Bible when it comes to delegation. Who Was Moses? Having survived a season of infanticide in Egypt, Moses was raised in the ro...