This past week was the week from hell for many mobile home owners and tenants of mobile homes, with the temperatures below 0 outside for 3 days in a row it caused lots of frozen water pipes in and around the homes, luckily for Annie and I we did not deal with this on any of our homes all though one of them did freeze then it thawed out on its own without causing any problems and another one behind a home we are currently working on is broke but the park owners will be fixing this one.
The simplest way not to have to deal with this is to wrap those water pipes under the home with insulation or use a heat tape on the main water line. The ones I have fixed over the years for other people are almost always not insulated or the heat tape has stopped working.
The funny part about these frozen pipes was the fact that our electrician friend Rick talked me into spending a day repairing broken water lines under mobile homes, I guess he thought since my past life consisted of this horrible job he thought I wanted to relive the nightmare of frozen hands and feet while cold water dripping on you from above was fun,I think the reason he wanted me to help him because he spent Christmas under one of his mobile homes fixing frozen pipes, it was not to bad I don't guess but it just assured me of my decision to retire from plumbing was the right decision.
happy new year
happy investing