Making Excuses Not To Invest
My favorite excuse we here from other people why they dont invest is because once our bills are paid we don't have the extra money to invest. the reason you never have extra money is because you are doing it wrong, you must always learn to pay yourself first before paying those bills. Paying yourself first will help you realize that the things you want in life are more important than the cycle of working getting paid and paying bills.
its up to you if you want to live a normal existince in this world or if you want to be able to live the life you always wanted.
Being different than the rest of the world is not easy, if you truly do not have the money to pay yourself first then pay your bills then here comes the hard part for most people you absolutely must make lifestyle changes that start with stop going home in the evening at 3-4 pm and start working later in the evening, if that does not work for you then get up earlier than everyone in your house and start working earlier before they get up, i never said being different was easy cause its not, if you truly want to change your life some of the other changes you will need to make will include stop buying your kids every single toy they must have or going out to eat all the time, small changes in your life can make a huge difference in your future life.
Freedom to do the things you want with who you want when you want
Being stuck at a job all your life until retirement age sucks i dont care how much you tell yourself i love my job or my job is easy it still sucks cause you to answer to other people and nobody should have control in any way over your life but you.
So What are you waiting for today is your first day to cresting a new better life for yourself.