When Is The Right Time To Start Investing ?
You should be using a portion of your w2 working job income to pay down your debts as fast as possible, lots of people have told me they can't do that either because of kids in school or they have lots of debt but you can do anything you set your mind to, I'm sure it costs lots of money to send kids to school but you should be able to get financial aid for them to help with the costs or you could try a new concept and tell the kids they have to help pay for school by working a part time job. Im not so sure in todays world that education warrants the costs of school especially since our government thinks its a good idea for the middle class to pay off student loans for kids these days, I think they should stop making student loans all together cause its a bad idea to put 18-22 year old kids in debt for many years down the road but I guess its ok in our society since they are creating life long employees.
Once you have paid off your debts then you start investing, if you have a job that has a matching 401k please contribute to this plan as long as you work since its free money but the sooner you start investing the sooner you can live the life of your dreams and not working for other peoples dreams.
Learning to live on a budget is a great idea when you are strapped with tons of debt, give every dollar a job every month to help you get out of debt, there are many finance writers and bloggers on the internet pick some and follow their advise to help you get out of debt or as my favorite one says you sell so much stuff the dog and cat think they are next or you sell everything thats not nailed down.
Once you get all you finances under control or you are totally debt free then you can start investing.
Happy Investing
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